About Cyrillic 2

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Cyrillic 2 Features

View up to 9 families in different Windows  Cut and paste families or parts of families  Toolbar icons, status bar and tooltips guide new users  Switch between tree and circular display  Maximum of 10,000 individuals per family and 250 markers per chromosome  Tools for speed-drawing of new families  Space drawings evenly Color haplotype bars to show inheritance and multiple crossovers Crossovers calculated from phenotype data Many new input and output formats Annotation tool: enter text and move to any position and set to any font, size or color Print preview Multiple ‘undo move’ and ‘undo delete’ tool Calculate kinship and inbreeding coefficients Automatic recognition of consanguinity 

Cyrillic 2 has a Breast Cancer module.

Drawing Tools

As a tool for drawing family trees, Cyrillic 2 is as easy as using pen and paper!

Zoom in and out, Display grid, Use standard ASGC symbols, Cut, copy, paste symbols, Create custom and color symbols, Add one-step multiple siblings and children, Add text annotations anywhere on drawing, Sort siblings by birth, Even spacing after drawing, Undo delete and multiple undo move

Data Import and Export

Cyrillic works well with data from other sources. With it geneticists can import pedigrees and marker data from programs such as MLINK, CriMap and GEDCOM. Use Cyrillic’s output links to send data to risk calculation programs.

Data import - MLINK pedfile,  MLINK, Pedigree/ Draw, LINKSYS, CriMap, GEDCOM, DLL 

Data export - MLINK, LIPED, Pedigree/ Draw, GEDCOM, DLL, CriMap

Printing Features

Cyrillic lets users preview their documents, adjust any details or shrink their drawings to fit the page. Cyrillic’s high-quality output is perfect for papers and presentations.

Print preview, Print to any Windows printer, Batch printing, Fit to page, Print option details, Circular drawing facility

Working with Windows

Multiple document interface, Toolbar icons, Context-sensitive on-line help, Copy and paste text and drawings to other Windows programs, Cyrillic works with Windows 3.1, Windows 95, 98 and Windows NT



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