AP Benson has completed a range of research reports in a variety of different areas and industries including the following recent supply:
Predictive Crime Analytics, (PCA) 2013
AP Benson was commissioned by the Welsh Government ICT Exploitation Unit (within DETS) to undertake research into the emerging PCA market and explore the feasibility of developing Predictive Crime Analytics (PCA) activities in Wales.
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Industry (AM&M) in Wales, 2013
AP Benson were tasked to map and segment the AM&M sector in Wales and to provide potential sector development plans for the Welsh Government's department of Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science.
Financial and Professional Service Sector (F&PS) in Wales, 2013
AP Benson were tasked to map and segment the F&PS sector in Wales and to provide potential sector development plans for the Welsh Government's department of Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science.
Rag and Fibre Market, 2012/2013
AP Benson completed a detailed study into the global supply chain of the Rag and Fibre industry. The work included in-depth market research of UK, European, and Asian markets; as well as discussions with key industry stakeholders within these markets.
Life Science Industry in Wales, 2012
AP Benson were tasked to map and segment the Life Science industry in Wales and to provide potential sector development plans for the Welsh Government's department of Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science.
Supply Chain Mapping, 2012
AP Benson provided comprehensive studies of supply chains in the electronic and electrical equipment (EEE), home and workplace products, facilities management and clothing sectors, examining the flow of these products into and within the UK and identifying points of influence within them to engage in the development of resource efficiency projects.
Scottish Electronics Market, 2011/2012
AP Benson completed a study to provide a supply chain overview of the electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) products supply chain in Scotland from the manufacturers of components or products to end retailers and distributors. The study also looked at the purchasing influence of each category of organisation in the supply chain. The work was extended to examine the influence of ICT service providers.
UK Events Industry, 2011
AP Benson was appointed to map out and gain an understanding of market segmentation of the UK events industry, its key players and value chain. The work comprised both a literature and published data review and an original survey on the structure of the events industry in London and South-East England, and current practices in waste handling and production.
UK Construction and Demolition Waste Industry, 2010/2011
An assessment of opportunities in the UK recyclable C&D sector. The report examines methods for improving sourcing, separation and processing of C&D recyclable materials. The report also includes an in-depth business development strategy in this sector including practical recommendations for future growth.