Why Use Cyrillic?

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Still Drawing Pedigrees By Hand?

How Cyrillic Can Help You

Working with software, rather than with pen and paper has many advantages! Here are just a few:

  • Your printed results look more professional
  • The software redraws the pedigree for you to give the perfect layout
  • Your pedigree data is saved and safely stored in a database
  • Integrated tools for calculate risks
  • Colleagues can work with your files
  • Large pedigrees can be displayed in a circular view

Fast, High Quality Drawing

Many genetic researchers, cancer geneticists, and counselors spend increasing time collecting and analyzing data about patients with inherited diseases or disorders.

Cyrillic is a powerful program that brings together all the tools you need for drawing family pedigrees, and managing and analyzing pedigree data. Cyrillic 3 Standard Version includes tools for risk assessment. Cyrillic 2 also stores information about genetic disease markers and assigns haplotypes to DNA genotypes.

Working with individuals and adding first degree relatives, you draw pedigrees using Cyrillic on your Windows PC much as you would on paper, but with all the data stored. Cyrillic's high-quality output is perfect for papers, reports and presenting pedigrees to patients.

Intelligent Pedigree Management

With the launch of our new Cyrillic 3, our pedigree drawing software is also the most intelligent and user-friendly. We've integrated database support into Cyrillic so you can easily create professional, detailed pedigrees while storing the individual and family data in standard database formats such as Microsoft Access and Paradox.

Cyrillic 3 also includes powerful integrated tools for calculating risks for cancer with BRCAPRO. Simply enter your data and Cyrillic calculates the risk for you.

With new Cyrillic 3, pedigree management and drawing is effortless. As you draw, your pedigree data is updated automatically on-screen in a table view. Plus, enjoy the new drawing tools for showing the most complex offspring and sibling relationships.

Cyrillic is intelligent about pedigree drawing, and its sophistication comes through years of development by a leading geneticist with a team of program designers who have brought the new Cyrillic 3 to fruition. Cyrillic is the intelligent pedigree drawing tool that's designed to work the way you think.

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