Assurance Procedure Creation

Our consultants have expertise in risk management and this has been demonstrated in our work with government agencies. We helped to embed risk management into the strategy of the agencies by examining key risks and implementing processes to manage the risks identified.

The process used included:

Identification of risk

Risk can be a very broad subject but some areas of interest for government agencies include office health and safety, financial, operational, and political through to reputational risk.

Assess the vulnerability of critical assets to specific threats

We examined which risks have the greatest impact on agency plans, areas of interest included changes in population demographics and their impact on key services.

Determine the risk

What are the consequences of risks identified? Our consultant - Peter Butterfield mapped out the consequences of risks as wide ranging as flu pandemics to workers strikes and how they would affect services.

Identify ways to reduce those risks

Peter also mapped out the best strategies to mitigate risk including strategies to create risk avoidance, reduction, sharing and retention where necessary

Risk reduction strategy

We created a risk management policy that outlined responsibilities, approach, resourcing, monitoring and crucially implementation strategies to reduce the risks identified.

This document allowed risk management to play a key part in the service provision of the government agencies, creating a risk aware culture throughout the organisations to ensure that key aims are achieved.

Consultant Responsible: Peter Butterfield

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